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November Birthstone: Topaz

Can you believe it’s November already? Summer is long gone and the holiday season is quickly approaching. It’s almost time to start sorting through your naughty and nice list… But let’s take a step back, enjoy November and appreciate our family and friends born this month.

Topaz is the birthstone of November. It’s known for a calm energy that generates warmth, healing and fortune to those who wear it – we’ll take two, please! This beautiful stone can be found in a variety of colors including Swiss blue, honey amber, pale pink, sherry red and translucent white. With so many choices, you’ll be sure to find something perfect for your beloved November baby.

Take a look at our favorite topaz pieces available now at Moondance.

1. Jamie Joseph earrings, Yasmeen earrings, Yasmeen necklace

2. Yasmeen necklace, Yasmeen necklace

3. Yasmeen necklace, Yasmeen lariat necklace

4. Kari Latta earrings, Kari Latta necklace

Visit or call our store to inquire about these stunning items available now.

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